Saturday, March 13, 2010


Today I bought some books. Books that look like they're for school, but really they're for me. It's my first such purchase, and it's crazy. It's like buying textbooks because you're actually interested in what they might teach you. Because you're about 10 months from being a nurse practitioner and the homework is piling up and you're wondering what you'll turn to when you're alone in the office.
Just yesterday I switched from 72 hours/pay period to 60 hours/pay period. Turns out I still get to keep my full-time benefits (and possibly my sanity) with this arrangement. I'm doing a ton of clinicals and seeing tons of cervixes and it's still very very cool. I really am looking forward to all of this.
My preceptors have been great. They all have such good hearts and great perspectives on life. One just says, "I just love women. They do so much....." And she's right. Everybody has a story, and it's going to be great to be the person that helps them live it a little better.
And by the way, if, by next week, you have a question on a drug in pregnancy, just ask!! I'll have the book!


Suzette Selden said...

You are amazing!

Jessica McIntyre said...

I always love hearing updates on your interactions with cervixes. Getting my annual physical will never be the same thanks to you.

Oh and I have I mentioned lately that you are freaking awesome. I can't believe you are going to be an NP soon. I kinda have an in with the people that hire NP's at St. Luke's whenever you decide to come back to Boise.

Anonymous said...

I was flipping through your 'Spiritual Midwifery' book last night.


It was a psychedelic experience.

breymom said...

You make me laugh I gave that book away it was pretty out there but fun to read anyway!
You make my day! I love that I'm having all the baby's while your reading about all the body parts used to house them. Congrats on your first purchases and all your accomplishing the road ahead will be amazing for you!