Wednesday, July 07, 2010

New House

Let me be clear:
I did not pick out my new house.
It is gray. GRAY on the outside. There is no grass in sight. It has rocks for a front yard and dead dirt in the back.
There are pretty small closets.
There are tinier bathrooms. Two of them.
There is no garage and no carport.
And there is weird air circulation and weird built-on rooms.
There is a great kitchen.
Cool tile.
Decent carpet.
Decent-size bedrooms.
And it's coming together. I bought some shelves. The last roommate (Gina) just got here from Utah this morning. And instantly went on a jamba juice hunt. (Definitely from up north. I did the same thing when I got here.) I initiated Vanie into late nights talking until 5am (unfortunately, she didn't sleep in the next day. I felt so bad! No more late nights for her). Between work and school and clinicals, it has taken me over a week to have the house look close to put-together. I almost killed Cox communications this week (really? you left the house instead of calling me like I told you to? I have to wait 3 more days now?). It took about 6 days to find the garbage can (in the alley; there are big garbage cans for all the neighbors. Odd, but I like it.)
Anyways, pictures coming soon. Promise. Meanwhile, here's one of Vanie being handy.
Did I mention I bought an electric screwdriver? I love it. It's my first power tool. I bought it right after I swore I was never ever buying any more stuff.


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

I find it funny that while you are moving so am I... weird. Can't wait to see your finished product!

Anonymous said...

Vanie is cute! I love a handy hairdresser don't you!? Good luck in the new house. I am sure that it will lead to many fun new stories that you may tell me at all hours of the night because as you know I have children and have given up sleep, not pepsi.

Byron Lynn said...

Your first electric have you ever lived.....I think I have a tool fetish....I own some that I have never used!