Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, but I had to play a little catch up in school after this weekend. So my parents flew in on Friday night; Brad had gotten five of our friends to meet them at the airport with us with signs, balloons, and party horns. It had only been like a month and a half since we had seen them, but he thought it would be funny and it was. We all stayed up talking for quite a while and then went to sleep. Byron flew in about 1. I ran to the gym about 11 to work off my extra anxiety and boost my endorphins for the day!!
It was so good to see Byron; his earlier flight had been cancelled so there was a little worry about him getting here at all. But it all worked out and we had such a good time. My family hadn't seen him since 2002 so there was a lot of catching up to do.
My mom and I went to the temple at 3:30. I was so nervous to actually walk through the front door of the temple! Baptisms go through the back! Inside was beautiful, and they had the pink locker room all waiting for me with a cute little sign with my name held up by little wooden heart magnets. It was so girly and so adorable.
The ceremony was good. There were so many thoughts going through my head. Just trying to wrap my head around everything was the biggest deal. Nothing was a huge shock; it mostly felt like things I was expecting. There were parts I thought were beautiful, a little weird, perfect, and a little silly at the time. My favorite part was really just getting to hug everyone at the end. Having people that I loved around me was incredible, and I felt so blessed.

I did go back on Wednesday. I knew I needed to feel the spirit of the whole thing instead of just learning what goes on. It was stake temple night, and I sat next to the bishop's wife, who is adorable. It was such a beautiful experience and did feel so spiritual. I was nice to be able to just feel the peace and spirit that is there.

As a side note, my "G"'s are great; I actually really like them; I'm just glad I waited until Spandex ones existed. And I'm glad I had so much advice on sizes and stuff. I do feel like I wear more clothes than anyone in the world when I start layering things, but it's really just fine. :-)
And...I got my suitcase which I got to use on Wednesday, and, as one person said, it's "pretty snazzy." I'm excited to be able to go to this temple more often and to see Boise's and some others soon.

It does feel a little like being re-baptized, and life seems a little easier to handle. I feel more motivated to do good things, and a little less in a rut. And maybe it's how organized one has to be to take good care of her new clothes, but I do feel a little more organized and grown-up, too.
Thanks to everyone for all your support, and especially to Jessica, who was the most excited not-Mormon ever! Thank you! Love you all!