Friday, February 19, 2010

Goin' to the Temple....

Tomorrow I am going through the Mesa Arizona Temple for the first time. It's kind of a big deal. Which means that little commitment-phobe me has been a little anxious at the life changes this may entail. However, I'm starting to realize that all the life changes it may entail will only serve to make me a better person with a better perspective and a better understanding of the immensity that is eternity.
I have a my cute little white dress and all my temple stuff. I have a little white faux ostrich suitcase coming in the mail. I have said my good-byes to 40% of Victoria's Secret.
My parents are flying in from Idaho in just a few hours.
BYRON is flying in from Texas tomorrow.
John & Brad will be there, too.
I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such cool people going through with me.
For a long time I held out on this because it felt like giving up on going through with my husband, but sometimes growing up is different than you first thought.
That doesn't mean it's not magical.


Katie said...

Woot woot! That is AWESOME! Congratulations:) The temple is the best.

Maria said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you. I wish I were close enough to be there with you. I LOVE being in the temple with people I love! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!

MindySue said...

Yippeee!!!! I'm so happy for you Christin and so stinkin' proud of you. I have never felt, in my entire life, the peace that I feel when I'm in the temple. Pay attention to how you feel when you walk through those doors. That feeling is the answer to any questions you might have. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

So exciting. :] Let me know when you want to go back for another visit and we can go together! Enjoy today. It's so amazing.

Love you!!!

Suzette Selden said...

Congratulations!!! I wish I would have known beforehand, but I'll have to come up another time. Hope you have a wonderful experience. Love ya.

Katie said...

wonderful!! i'm so excited for you...

breymom said...

I just heard you had gone through from my Mom. I knew you'd have something on your blog about it and I'm glad you do. I love that temple because it reminds me of the temple I always dreamed of going through in Hawaii. I wonder how you are feeling now you've gone through. We'll have to talk later!

Traci said...

You now have the blessings of powerful!

Sweet Em said...

Yeah! You rock!