Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chicken Soup for my Soul (and cookies)

Apparently no one who reads my blog can appreciate a good Latin booty for more than a week or so. So here's what's up lately. First off, I obviously did work out that night. I need to clarify that I do not have horrible self esteem or engage in negative self talk very often. I do, however, engage in somewhat negative thoughts to get my butt off the couch after a week. Because I personally always feel very horrible if I haven't worked out in awhile. I need that endorphin boost desperately, and I can notice body (and mood) changes after a week or so. So, in that case, it was necessary. AND... I forgot to mention that the abs in that picture were my PRE-Jamaica abs and they no longer look like that. But they will.
On that note, I did not beat myself up last week when I got sick as a dog and did not work out. Instead, I ate chocolate chip cookies and homemade chicken noodle soup. (That Jonmark made for me. We haven't really seen each other in the last little while, but he very nicely offered to take care of me while I was sick. I'm not asking for any opinions on this. We're the kind of friends who help each other out. And I was sooo grateful.) He actually called his mom and ask how to make the noodles from scratch. And then went to the store and bought a rolling pin and a pot and lots of miscellaneous other ingredients while I slept and then woke me up 2 hours later when it was all done. He even mixed the cookie dough by hand. And it was awesome. (and yes, this was my sick-menu request.) Everything was awesome. And it really did make me feel soo much better. :-) Thank you!!

Speaking of hand mixers, this is the one I bought in 1998 for $10. It broke LAST WEEK. It was the best hand mixer ever. No. I do not have a KitchenAid. Why on earth would I need a KitchenAid if I had the best hand mixer on earth? Instead, when it broke, I simply went to Wal-mart and bought the same exact one. Or the closest I could find to it. And I got one for Jonmark, too. For the next time he makes cookies. Here's to another 14 years!


Tyler and Ariana said...

We bought a handmixer at ASDA (=WalMart in England) and I completely killed it last week making the most artery-clogging buttercream frosting. I want a mixer that will last for 10 years!!!

(And yay for friends who do amazing things like make homemade soup and cookies. How awesome is that.)

RC said...

Oh believe me we can appreciate that Latin Booty but only in our dreams of course! I don't think anyone thought you were harping on yourself or at least more than anyone does to themselves at about any given moment. Isn't it the way we do things?
Sorry you were sick and glad that JM could come to the rescue with chocolate chips and chicken noodles. Couldn't think of a more medicinal combination. Glad you are feeling better and are back at it.
I deleted this same comment because I misspelled a few words and of course didn't check it before publishing and didn't know how to correct them otherwise....

Bonnie said...

I LOVE(and laughed) that you mentioned you didn't want any "opinions" on part of your post!! I don't think you have any friends OR family with "opinions". ha ha

Bonnie said...

ok ..ONE little opinion..I could hug JM for taking care of you when you were sick:)