Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Guess what!!?! I'm blogging! Which can only mean one thing...the semester is over!! One more to go until I am officially a nurse practitioner. Whoo-hoo!
On to more important things:
Like my car battery. Because, midnight though it might be, I promised Jessica I would blog tonight. Promised.

So. On Wednesday, my car wouldn't start to take me to work. Nothing. Nada. Nothing. Not a thing. My car gave absolutely no response to the necessity of taking me to work. The roommates and I tried to jump it. It started to click, but that was it. No Altima driving that day.
Vanie (roommate) took me to work, and I got a ride home the next, confused about why on earth my battery would be dead.
When I woke up on Thursday, Vanie and I tried again, letting her truck run for about 5 solid minutes before attempting to jump my car. Again. No dice. The battery was gone.
Now, I am not one to save receipts. I have been known to hand them back to cashiers to throw away simply so they won't accumulate in my car. But for some reason I held on to this one. Deep in my glove box was a receipt from May 2005, faded and barely legible, from AutoZone. For this car battery. With a SEVEN year warranty. Oh I was so happy.
So I threw the battery in Vanie's truck and away we drove to AutoZone. When I brought my battery in and set it on the counter and announced that my battery only lasted 5 years, the guy at the counter said, "Um, WHAT?"
This echoed Vanie's response when I had told her that I thought my battery was 5 years old. "um, WHAT? Batteries don't last that long. They last 1 year out here. Maybe MAYBE 3. They do not last 5 years."
Well, MY cool little DuraLast lasted 5 years. All this being impressed kind of took away the anger I had about it dying in the first place.
The little worker guy was shocked. "What kind of car do you drive?"
"A '99 Altima."
"Yeah, dude, an altima. It's amazing."
I got $15 for my used battery (apparently it's only a full warranty for the first 2 years). And, also, since I had my receipt I got the 2005 price for the battery which was $49.99 instead of $79.99.
Which means I paid $35.00 for my brand new battery. Of which I will never buy a different brand.
Nor will I ever throw away my receipt.
Later on, Vanie watched in awe as I installed my new battery with my little pink pliers.
Ahhh....the things that make me happy.


MindySue said...

So glad to have you back!! Congrats on the battery, I'm afraid to put one in myself. They scare me.

Camille Elise said...

Congrats on having only ONE semester left! You rock!

Jessica McIntyre said...

Thank You! Exactly what I needed. A little peek into my awesome friends super fun world.

Katie said...

You amaze me...YOU PUT IN A CAR BATTERY YOURSELF?!?!! Serious props to you girl.