Sunday, August 03, 2014

He Meets The Parents!!

The next week Paul met my parents. That would be 1 week ago from now.
Seriously I think I counted down every single day of the 20 days I went without seeing him, and it was terrible. (I mean, it was so exciting.)
Anyways, I couldn't take any more time off of work. (If you've been reading this, it might actually sound like I never go to work...mostly I've just taken a lot of Fridays off.) So I booked a flight at 8pm on Friday after work and the return flight for Sunday at 8pm.
I got to the airport early on Friday, and then there was a dust storm. A dust storm that delayed my flight for 5 hours. So while my boyfriend slept (kind of) in his truck in the Cell Phone Lot, I considered trying to sleep in the terminal as they teased us telling us hour by hour a plane was coming when it actually was not. I got in at 4am. We got to his place at 4:30. We had to meet his friends for breakfast at 8am (oh, Paul's taking the missionary discussions. And he's having them at these friends' house, so I really wanted to meet them.) Breakfast was great, and then we packed up and headed to Idaho for the family reunion. Probably 60 people came up to Paul and hugged him and said hello. I was actually a little embarrassed, but he took it like a champ and was so cool and laid back about it. We played bean bag toss and sumo wrestling and it was just so great.
At home, we ate dad's ribs and just talked. Paul crashed on the couch while I talked to Candice and Adam.
The next morning, church wasn't until 1, so there was more talking and chilling. Apparently I slept in, because my mom woke me up by saying, "Hey, your boyfriend's been awake for 2 hours, you should probably get up." The kids were getting a little restless before church, so without saying a word, Paul got up, got a soccer ball out of his truck and me and him and all the kids kicked it around the yard for like an hour. It was so nice and so fun. The kids were so cute and excited.
We walked to church later on, and Perri held his hand and told him she loved him and sat on his lap at church and we both just loved it. (Plus, he looked all sexy in his shirt and tie and that was fun for me.)
We left after sacrament meeting, went home and changed, and headed out. The ride home took longer than we thought, so my yoga pants and blow dryer are still in Utah, but this flight was NOT delayed, and I made it home by nine. 48 hours well-spent.
p.s. And to prove that it was insane, we have zero pictures of the whole trip. But it's pretty awesome for me to realize I went two days without checking Facebook at all. And that we were just....present.


Bonnie said...

It seemed like we didn't REALLY have a chance to visit or get to know your new "love"!(22 hours was not long enough) He was very sweet and I wanted a REAL conversation with him, BUT it was pretty amazing a guy would WANT to come to a family reunion with A LOT of people he didn't know and be friendly and gracious(that says he a keeper)!

Sweet Em said...

So, what you are telling me is that you were probably in Idaho at the same time I was (Again!) and because I am too lazy to check in with people we missed each other. Although it does seem like you didn't have a ton of time...but still, regret.