Sunday, August 03, 2014

Singles' Conference

We had a dance the first night on this ship
So a little bit about this conference. Not because it was the most fun ever, but because it was a nice little break and because I said I would give it a shot. Thankfully my friend Mandy was there, which made it much better. I knew a few other people there, but we were definitely the closest. She had a new crush and was so excited about him the whole time.
I drove up by myself after work on a Thursday night and got to Ariana's house at like 2am. She was so sweet, though, and we talked for a few hours before I crashed on her couch. The next day I even got to cuddle with Millie, which I always love because she really only likes to snuggle with Carbieners. :-) (At the time I was dealing with a four month long mysterious breakout on my chin. Thankfully, it has since resolved, thanks to a nice round of Minocin.)
I stayed at a beach house Mandy's cousin had rented, who is a really cool girl. The speakers were phenomenal, and it was so nice to just chill at the beach and get to know some cool people. We tried to surf- the waves were not cooperative, but it was nice to be in the water.

And on the drive home, Mandy and I went into the gas station separately and both came out with Pringles Sour Cream and Onion, which is just funny because neither of us ever get those :-) Here's to midnight Pringles runs and great friends.

1 comment:

Tyler and Ariana said...

I still can't believe that Mili just senses a Carbiener. She doesn't do that with ANYONE! It makes my heart happy.