So the other days, my favorite jeans wore out. And I got on their website to get another pair. At which point, I discovered their cigarette-cut jeans. Basically they are straight-almost-skinny jeans. I asked Vanie if I needed them. She said no. I said I'd return them if I didn't like them, but I desperately wanted to try them on.
They came.
I love them.
And so does Vanie. And Vanie never lies.
Here's a couple shots of them. They make me feel so cool.
Love them! Where di you get them?
They are Joe's jeans. And before you think, Holy CRAP! Those are expensive, I wore 1 pair. 4 days a week. For 2 years. They last forever and fit amazing.
I love Joe's. And I love those jeans on you!
Um. It's the truth. I love them too! :)
won't lie, those are pretty smokin...
Maybe I need better pictures. They just look like skinny jeans to me. Is there actually a difference? (P.s. cute though. My thighs have never and will never fit in to skinny jeans.)
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