Monday, October 17, 2011

All right, lovely readers

I love my new job. It is awesome. I want to tell you all about it and about my life. Because you are the best. But somehow I need all your e-mail addresses because right now everyone can just google it and it's not like I have a common name. So please e-mail yours to me at
christinmarie30at gmaildotcom
Talk to you soon so soon!
Christin Carbiener, WHNP

Sunday, October 02, 2011

WHNP.... finally.

So I did it. I started my job. My career. You know, the thing I've been going to school for for like 12 years. Yep. That's it. I started on Monday and everybody has been so sweet. I was nervous because it's been awhile since I've really learned this stuff, but they had me answering phones for medical triage this week, and it was good to build my confidence that, yes, actually, I do know how to answer these questions. This week I'll shadow with someone and after that, I'll be on my own. (I'll be researching some stuff this week for sure).
Anyways, it's quite fun to be treated with so much respect so fast. It's been really exciting and I'll keep you all updated. In order to celebrate, and because I loved Jennifer Aniston's hair on the cover of Glamour this month, I chopped and dyed my hair. Well, Vanie did. Yay! I love it. (I don't, however, love this picture, but it's the best I could do on my own.)

Oh, and here's my favorite thing ever. PLEASE OH PLEASE click this link.

Wedding Reception Part 2

So I flew up to Idaho on Thursday with Brad and Brea and some of her family to Idaho Falls for the open house, aka wedding reception part 2. (Allegiant flies direct from Idaho Falls to a tiny airport here in Mesa twice a week. So, yes, we were all on the same flight.)
It was nice to be home even though I was exhausted at first and trying to readjust to day shift hours. This reception felt a little more chill, at least for me. It was fun making thumbprint cookies with my mom and cutting up Hoagie buns with Brea's dad (Brian). My dad made coleslaw and beans and basically it all felt like a little family reunion. Candice's kids were in such good moods and were so cute the whole time.
When Brea came upstairs in her dress, Tate looked at her and said, "Are you CINDERELLA?!"
Awww...... so cute. In the top picture, Tate was so excited to get these flowers (they had been in the little swingset flower box and he had wanted to pick them so bad. He'd been warned, but then Perri did it for him and he was jumping up and down with excitement. And then running from everyone.
This is Perri, Candice's littlest. She's usually adorable. And kind of hilarious. 

Brea's Mom and my Dad. Notice our old school food processor. Good for coleslaw and cheese. We had to look it up on ebay for Brea's Mom. It's the "Salad King" manual food processor. It seems like a good Mormon thing to have. :-)

Mom & Dad

Impressing myself with my eyeshadow :-)

Perri & Papa

Tate looking, in his words, "awesome"

Kaitlynn & The Happy Groom


Love These Kids.

Kaitlynn Loses a Tooth

Watch, if you dare, as my six-year-old niece performs interesting maneuvers as she dislodges her very own tooth. (She thinks drinking water helps 'cause last time her tooth fell out after taking a drink.)

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Dinners Lately...

So a couple weeks ago, I was on a kick of awesome dinners. Here you go.

I still love my toaster oven. Now I love the baking set I got to go with it. 

Roasted Figs, Proscuitto, Bleu Cheese, & Arugula with Aged Balsalmic.
Vanie said it was the best thing she's ever eaten in her life. I got the recipe from a Family Circle magazine at work. :-)

Butternut squash, pomegranate seeds, kale, pumpkin seeds & chicken with homemade dressing.
Why I love fresh&easy: They sell chopped up butternut squash and already shelled pomegranate seeds. And figs.
In September. 

Arctic Char with Fennel Salsa. And green beans. 
I'm on kind of a turquoise/aqua kick right now. I did finally get my dining room table from World Market, so I needed placemats and plates to go with it (my other ones had broken over the years). I found these at BambEco, after extensive searching. I think it's the coolest website ever and I LOVE these plates! :-)

I'm Not Going to Be a Nurse Anymore!

This is Angela "taking" orders from one of the new doctors.
She did not have a great night. 
Ok, so technically a Nurse Practitioner is still a nurse, but it's my blog, and we're not getting technical. As of the 20th, I am no longer a hospital employee. I no longer start IV's, do hospital admissions, fetch bedpans, hang antibiotics, or administer STAT ativan. I no longer work 3-12's. I no longer sleep during the day. I don't miss all of it, but heck yeah, I will miss some of it.
Sally brought the BOSA donuts.
They were amazing!
My last day felt a little like my 30th birthday celebration because, well, I'm still the same person. We had Sprinkles cupcakes, donuts, pb&j, and veggies. Three of my closest co-workers/friends who didn't work that night came anyway. My three patients gratefully slept solid for two straight hours while we sat in the break room and reminisced over our crazy stories from the last 4 years. I just couldn't believe (and still can't quite completely) that this was my last day here. So many RN's have nightmare stories from their jobs and mine has just been such a blessing. I've loved my co-workers, my patient-nurse ratio, my schedule, and even our crazy patients and their awesome stories. I have journaled far too less of it all.
I waited to cry all night, but didn't. Until I hugged JM good-bye in the morning, gave morphine for the last time, and walked down the hall by myself. My eyes welled up a little bit as I thought of all the things I learned here the last four years and the great memories I'll take with me.

Typical story-telling. Larry, me, Bridgette, and Brittney in the break room.

Me, Bridgette, & Brittney. Love these girls so much. 

Me & JM
Bye, Scottsdale Healthcare! Love you! And Thank you!