First off, the party was originally supposed to be on Saturday night, but we switched it with another ward so it was on Friday, which meant I was at work until it was halfway over. Which I think kind of gave the primary president a tiny heart attack.
So Thursday night after the spa, Brad and Brea nicely agreed to come help me decorate my "scary tunnel" that I was in charge of. We did all get to choose our "game," and this was the one thing I remembered best from my Primary halloweens.
First, we had to stop at Walgreens to get some decorations: lights, spider webs, glow-in-the-dark stickers and streamers (thanks to Brea for those last two). And cornbread. And then we headed to the church. I had picked the boxes up from a friend on facebook on my lunch break on Wednesday so we unloaded them and went inside (I actually have building keys, thank goodness :-) ). As we were starting I realized we forgot the cornbread mix (we remembered the other ingredients), so Brad ran to the store to buy some while Brea and I got to taping. (Luckily, the grocery store, the church, and walgreens are all within a mile of each other).
Now, we all know that one of the main reasons I asked Brad to come along was for his creativity (and the more pumpkins I see of Brad and Brea's, the more I realize what good competition Brea is in the creativity department). The other reason I asked them, of course, is because it would have been completely miserable to have done it alone. So anyways, I stepped out for a second to go get tape and came back to see Brad carving individual holes for each spider with his drywall saw. Brilliance. And he then cut tiny little holes to hang each ghost the same way.

Friday after work, I ran home and got into this outfit. (I couldn't untangle my "Tangled" wig.) It worked :-)
The kids loved the tunnel. I loved the 4-year olds who came out and were like, "That was awesome!" or "You have to go through's amazing!" It made me happy. Most kids went through it like 4 or 5 times. :-)The kids below here are my favorites ever. They are the primary president's kids and I basically think they are beautiful. She calls them "my little salt & pepper"
Zack is the blonde boy. He discovered the cake below.
And then he looked like this :-)
This little lady is also in my ward. And she's funny. And she said the skull dude on her shoulder was her lover. Basically I just loved that she would say that so I took her picture. I love my ward. 

Did I mention I still needed to do Sharing Time? Well, before the party, I used my phone to take pictures of old photographs of my ancestors and used the Walgreens app to send them over on my way to the party so that they would be ready in an hour. After the s'mores, I ran to walgreens and picked them up, along with gold candy coins and foil stars. (I created a treasure hunt of finding out about the Carbiener family in France). After picking them up, I ran and met Jonmark across town and went dancing for a little bit before we both decided we were completely exhausted.
Sunday morning, I got up and went to the primary practice, which luckily turned out great. And I think the kids all thought sharing time was cool.
AND. I have a new found respect for all callings. All of them.
p.s. I love Walgreen's. I cannot believe how much this store comes through for me.