Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Best $6 I never spent

It's always kind of a shock to my system to wake up and be ready to go party on Saturday night. But. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do so I do.
Case in point:
Last Saturday I'd been up for about an hour when John and I were on the phone and he mentioned that Kelly Clarkson was playing at the state fair. Then Brad mentioned he had bought advance tickets to any show at the fair for $6. And he still had two left. Whoo-hoo!! (John had other plans anyways...)
Let me be clear. I may have made fun of Jessica for going to see Kelly once. I really don't follow her music. I do know more of her songs than I think I do. I rarely change them if they are on the radio. And I totally followed the scandal when SELF magazine airbrushed her cover a couple months ago.
She is a sensation. I get that. And I wasn't about to waste free tickets!
We first got funnel cakes (seriously, by far, the best I'd ever had). And lemonade. We got to the concert about five minutes before it started. And she totally rocked. It was packed and there was so much energy. of the most excited crowds I'd ever seen at a concert. We had so much fun. The best were "Since You've Been Gone" and "My Life Would Suck Without You." I was all kinds of jumping up and down being silly. And I've caught myself singing her songs in the shower everyday since. And I don't sing in the shower!!

An extra little insight: So she's put on a few pounds since this performance in 2005 (which is still stinking awesome), but what made this concert great was that she honestly didn't seem to care. It was kind of like, "Guess what? I still have my voice. I'm still freaking amazing. And if you still want to show up and think I'm cool, that's fine. I don't really care if you don't." It made her very. very. real. Like she was totally breathtakingly talented and she would still go have a brownie at Applebee's with you after the concert. I think every girl there felt like she was their best friend. And the 8-year old next to us rocking out with her dad was awesome.
My OTHER favorite part was her mash-up of Kings of Leon and Alanis Morrisette. Brad recorded it, but there are better clips of it on YouTube. That song probably really made me her fan.
After the concert, we rode the ferris wheel, watched the hypnotist, and went home and then.... well, that's the next post. The night doesn't end at 10:30!!

As a side note, look at the ground in this ferris wheel picture. Is this the cleanest fair you've ever seen? It shocked me!

1 comment:

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

A clean fair? mmmm... I don't know if I would say that anything in Arizona was clean other than the malls.

I love Kelly. For all the reasons stated. Enough said.