Saturday, November 05, 2011

AUSTIN! Late nights with Suzette

So on Saturday night, Byron dropped me off with Suzette for some quality catching up time. And that's exactly what we did. Sometimes we just get too busy with life, and telephone calls weren't cutting it. And late night talks were long overdue. I think we were up until about 2am both nights just talking and talking. And remembering how amazing it is to be friends with someone for twenty (holy cow) years.
It was so fun to stay with her and Jon. They recently bought a sweet 70's house that they are remodeling and I spent (maybe too much) time admiring their taste and their decorating decisions :-) - You can see them here. Suzette made us awesome pork tacos on Sunday. And then John made us popcorn and their weekly "cheese and chips" snack. I naively thought that meant tostitoes with shredded cheese melted on top. No no. It's potato chips with a chunk of cheese in between. Jon is demonstrating here: 
We also spent some time wandering downtown Austin and seeing cute shops.

Our last stop was Shipley's donuts on Monday morning. I hadn't thought we would have a chance, but luckily we were able to stop on our way to the airport. And Julia (our other friend from junior high) lives right across the street. And she was already there getting donuts for work!! Perfection.  (They really are the best donuts on earth. And I may have made myself a little sick on them.) But when you get a chance for Shipley's for the first time in 13 years, you take it.

It was such a fast little weekend, but it was so good to get away and re-connect with these people who I love so much. Thanks for everything!!


RC said...

Suzy-Q looks just as cute as ever. Wish I could have been there to give her a hug too. I was sort of shocked to see her looking so much taller than you in the one picture and then I saw her heels and your flip-flops. Glad you paid pilgramage to Brother Shipely. No trip to the great nation of TEXAS would be complete without it. Glad you had fun sweetie.

Suzette Selden said...

Christin, I still wish you were here. I'm already planning my winter escape to AZ. I had so much fun talking, laughing, and crying with you sweetie. It was just what I needed and so wonderful to see you. I wish your dad could have been there too - he could have taken us to Mr. Gatti's! Thanks for the sweet comment RC. Love you both.