Sunday, March 08, 2009

Future Doctors of America

So this is the dress I was so excited to wear and wore to church today. So it happened to be what I was wearing when I found out I was accepted. I wouldn't have it any other way. :-)


MindySue said...

Holy Frijole sweetie you look HOT!! I LOVE that dress! It is uber-sexy!!!

Accepted to what? MEDICAL SCHOOL?
I am a bad friend for not quite knowing.

Sweet Em said...

Okay - so note to Brad, THIS is why women like high waisted skirts - you look SMOKIN'!

Suzette Selden said...

Congratulations Christin! I am so happy for you. And you look HOT in that dress and shoes!!!

Maria said...

Nice that a natural tan? :)

breymom said...

So awesome! Those shoes and the dress are totally sexy. Congrats when is it "back to school" for you?

Katie said...

You look totally HOT! I love the shoes too...

Anonymous said...

yes I have to agree with everyone, you look amazing!! I'm so happy for you. I love you.

RC said...

You will make the prettiest doctor EVER!!! Don't post this picture too many will be knocking down your door.

Camille Elise said...

So, did i tell you that you looked hot on Sunday? I was a wee bit jealous honestly. That is a nice dress!