Sunday, November 22, 2009


I go through phases of my favorite foods; they last quite awhile.
My favorite food was ice cream from about age 6 months to age 22-ish.
Then it was peanut butter. But I may actually at some point in the last six months have OD'd on this a little bit. Not that I don't still eat Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches at least three times a week. Just not toast every morning.
But I digress.
When I was 26 I started working at a place called Murphy's. They had a mozzarella, tomato, basil salad that was amazing. I ate it whenever it was available.
And then I realized sometime this year or last that it was often called Caprese'. And it is available all over the place. So I order it pretty much every time I go out.
And then. I found a recipe. Consisting of these ingredients:

I love it. I love that Fresh & Easy makes balsalmic glaze and round balls of cheese that aren't expensive. I love that there is a meal involving vegetables that I literally adore. I have gone through three basil plants eating this meal. They keep dying. Luckily they are only $1.98, so it seems kind of worth it. I would like to figure out how to keep one alive, though.
I have a new favorite food. Maybe I should have made this discovery when tomatoes were in season.
Oh well!!


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Oh how I miss Fresh and Easy.

Have you ever blogged about Fresh and Easy? I don't think that everyone who reads your blog knows about this gem....

indeazgirl said...

Yes. I did.

Suzette Selden said...

That looks so yummy. I need to order that from now on. I miss you girlie.

Jessica McIntyre said...

I still have the bottle of glaze I bought when you were here, but haven't made it since. Maybe it will be a yummy treat for our long weekend coming up.