Sunday, April 03, 2011

I don't wanna be a playa' no mo'....

So I should totally be in bed but I just got off work and I will be doing massive homework today so instead of doing the boring thing, I'll blog. I can only look at those restaurant pictures so long.
Ok. So. I passed my nursing boards in February. My idea of celebrating is to go to dinner.
Jonmark thinks a little bigger.
We went to Mexico. True, it's only like 3 hours away. It's actually closer than ANYWHERE else we could have gone. And, being that people are getting killed constantly over there, we got a great deal at the resort. So, off to Mexico.
First, I have to clarify. Yes, we stayed at a resort. NO, we were not naughty. We did not go there to be naughty. We went because it was spontaneous. And fun. And because I had never been. And we were totally super good kids. And who else packs their bags for Mexico with less than 24 hours' notice?
No one. That's who.
So, we drive to Mexico. And as we cross the border, the border patrol says to Jonmark, "You come here a lot, don't you?"
(heehee. He was there 2 weeks before.)
Then the other guard says, "Hey, that's not the girl you brought here last time!"
He swears he's not a player. um-hum. It was hilarious. He was so embarrassed.
Driving in Mexico was a little bit terrifying, but also kinda of exciting. Especially the whole not-dying part. There was one time when we actually did get scared when there were all these police cars and firetrucks. But it turned out to be a random parade through the middle of town. With the most excited 4-year old girl I have ever seen watching it like this was the very best day of her entire life.
The resort was gorgeous. There was one family staying there other than us. As in, I'm pretty sure there were 6 people at the entire place. Which was this place.
We had the pool to ourselves, the beach to ourselves, the restaurants to ourselves, and....well, anything we wanted.
The thing about dating someone half paralyzed is that he just happens to come with a wheelchair. Which leads to some interesting experiences. Especially with someone like me. Who was completely determined to make out in that cabana by the beach even if it meant navigating some 50 feet of sand. After some serious contemplation about my strength and the payoffs of crossfit, we opted against me carrying him. And for me dragging the wheelchair across the sand. Which apparently is usually not a one-person job. Unless you have a very strong and determined girlfriend.
And it was totally worth it.

We also had fun navigating curbs and me learning to dissemble a wheelchair in 2.5 seconds as to not be attacked by some would-be attacker. (This is usually something he does himself when danger isn't lurking around every corner.) I had fun attempting to do homework and group skype with somewhat less-than-stable internet. However, it wasn't terrible, and I got 3 assignments done. :-)
But besides the craziness was the awesomeness.
It was truly absolutely beautiful. The weather could not have been more perfect. The room was right on the ocean, and the breeze blew in constantly. There may have been a mariachi band playing until, i don't know, 2 in the morning, but that just made it a little more authentic. :-)
Jonmark found this perfect little breakfast place that was about as Scottsdale as it gets in Mexico. It was called Coffee Haus- a German guy came to Mexico and started it. The first day I had a Philly Omelet with cream cheese and Jonmark had tropical French Toast with whipped cream, coconut, mangoes, and bananas. So amazing. They have huge glasses of fresh-squeezed orange juice for $2.50! And grapefruit juice. And chocolate milk. We ate breakfast by the pool and then laid out tanning. Jonmark turned four shades darker while I covered my face with his shirt so I wouldn't burn and fell asleep (Yep, that's him tanning in the pool picture.)

We ate tacos at this delicious little taco stand/restaurant that gives you an entire tray of condiments to go with your itty bitty tacos. So we ate tacos and drank orange fanta and turned down random offers from random street vendors and may have gotten lost for a little bit looking for a club, but, overall, it was a perfect quick little vacation.

Including the last morning where we ate another Coffee Haus breakfast at the Marina and got warned by the policeman not to drive my Altima down that close to the water. I'm pretty sure they would have come and saved me, but maybe that's not a story I would want to tell.
As soon as we crossed the border, we were bombarded with frantic phone calls and horror stories of people hoping we'd made it out alive. Apparently it's a little more dangerous than we had initially thought.
Sometimes it's good not to read the travel warnings.


MindySue said...

That sounds SOOO amazingly fun! However, you must know with a blog title like this it gives us ALL SORTS OF IDEAS. I might have screamed when I read it....
You are such a tease.

Maria said...

Having a boyfriend suits you. :) It sounds like a Christin adventure for sure, and I would like to be added to the list of people who are pleased that you made it back in one piece. Hooray for spontaneity! You make me smile!

RC said...

I guess your spontaneity is good for you but NOT for your mother or anyone living with your mother. She was in a complete horrific panic the entire time you were there (after she found out you were there anyway) and did not breathe again until she got your call that you were back safely across the border. Glad you had fun and that you weren't naughty (or I would have come to Phoenix to spank you and beat my first paraplegic)! You do lead an adverturesome life.

Bonnie said...

Your fathers comment is baloney!!! I WAS THE ONLY ONE NOT WORRIED! Just upset that I hadn't been TOLD my daughter was traveling to a different country!!:0) I figured with the crazy things Christin had done so surviving sky diving,she would probably come back alive. Maybe I would have to drive and pick you up with Brad in a Mexican jail, but you would just call it an ADVENTURE!! I was a little concerned for Jonmark but not for you:0) AND... who WAS that last girl he took to Mexico!!:0)

Tyler and Ariana said...

So FUN! I might be just a little jealous of you getting to see so much sunshine...

Anonymous said...

sounds very Christin