Friday, April 06, 2012

Peas Porridge Hot, Peas Porridge Cold

The next morning I was awakened by Brittany's happy screams. "Christin, wake up!! We're in Jamaica!! You have to look outside!!!" This is what we saw:

I was in shock. oh my gosh. Really? I had never seen water anywhere close to that color. So beautiful!
And then we had breakfast.
Now, if you're like most Americans, you have only heard of porridge in Goldilocks & the 3 bears. You've never eaten it. You've had cream of wheat, grits, and oatmeal, but not porridge.
Neither had I.
Until I thought I was eating cream of wheat and it tasted like PEANUT BUTTER! As in my favorite food of all time. Brittany and I were like, "What is this deliciousness?!?!" It was peanut porridge. In the words of a few Jamaicans, who were SHOCKED that we had never had it, "It is porridge. We have all different kinds of porridge: peanut porridge, banana porridge, oats porridge, cornmeal porridge." Oh yes, porridge it is. Here's a recipe. I am so excited to try it. Although I'm wondering if they really use sweetened condensed milk. But that might explain why their cream of wheat with freshly toasted coconut also rocked my world. mmm....Jamaica


Bonnie said...

The porridge thing fasinates me and I am going to try it!!

RC said...

Mom shares your facination with peanut butter and swears she is going to make this for us. I do like peanut butter but not like you two do so I am not all that excited about the porridge thing BUT I will give it a go and see if it is half of what you said about it. It is amazing what people eat as a staple and we haven't even heard of it isn't it?

Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

I want banana...mmmm...