Saturday, September 29, 2012

Last Days in the Polochic

Here, I just want to throw up a few of my favorite pics from the last few days and then we'll move on
My sickest little baby

Peter brought peanut butter. Best moment ever!!

Our good-bye ceremony- smoky, slow, and definitely different

Traditional Mayan Clothing

The Four Seasons, wishing us well

John just found out he caught scabies
I got to FLAT-IRON my hair!!!

Nica- such a cool girl

He took his medicine so good! He had a fever of 103.5!

Taking a machete to the cardamom

Teaching IV's

The Line for the Clinic. Pretty much every day. 


Suzette Selden said...

What an amazing trip Christin! And an incredible experience. Love it.

bradleyjohn said...

You know who wouldn't be that close to Christin with a machete? This guy.