Friday, December 19, 2008

Green Bean Vomit

I thought that poop was my least favorite bodily byproduct. I was wrong. I didn't know that green bean vomit could be so vile. I didn't know it could almost make me vomit. I just cleaned it up off the floor. I feel a little traumatized. And I'm sure there's a little bit somewhere on my shoes right now. And that's almost too much to handle.


Maria said...

And that's one more reason why I DON'T EAT GREEN BEANS! (The nasty little buggars...)

I'm so sorry you're sick!

RC said...

I second that motion (so to speak). Those are the NASTIEST things that the good Lord created. They are horrible going down and have to be twice as bad coming back up.....YUCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh Christin. That's terrible. i'm feeling queasy for you.


indeazgirl said...

OH. Guys. I'm not sick. Some guy at the hospital was. I'm fine now.

indeazgirl said...

And he was a nasty guy before he puked.

MindySue said...

EEWWWWWW! I'm gagging a little just thinking about it.

If it helps I had to clean up Sophie's pistachio colored-completely liquid diarhea off the floor about aweek ago...

ick. gagging again.

RC said...

Okay Mindie, too much information...

does it seem a bit weird that a blog about puke brings so many comments????:0)

Anonymous said...

friggin gross

Sweet Em said...

I think its time to post SOMETHING new...when I see this blog listed in other peoples "blogs I follow" widget the title "Green Bean Vomit" is just not very christmasy ;)

Maria said...


Byron Lynn said...

Nothing in the world is worse than drool......ick!!