I haven't slept really awesome the last week or so. Not terrible, mind you. Just not great. My sleep schedule seems to be off, and basically, I haven't been able to sleep as long. I've been much more tired at work and felt kind of miserable. I think quite a bit of it has to do with not working out, and even though I have tried to make it a priority, I've been really bad at it lately.
This all came to a head on Wednesday. I woke up at 3pm instead of 4:30, and I was tired! I felt fine until 5:30 when it came time to start getting ready for work, and I realized I was not going to make it. I wanted to call in "Sleepy" to work.
Then John suggested I get a Rockstar. Now, I was, until this point, an energy drink virgin. It takes me exactly 1 Mountain Dew to stay awake for 8 hours on very little sleep. But this time I was more wiped out than usual. And desperate times call for desperate measures.
Rockstar Juiced Guava here I come.
I drank half of this during report at work. I felt like I was on crack for 2 hours (I assume that's what crack feels like). I was totally restless. My patients all had linen changes. I had a ton of antibiotics to hang and missed exactly none of them. I basically had a very long to do list and all of it got done. My head was going nuts, but my body was Queen of Efficiency. It started to wear off a little about 1. I sipped on it until 4 and then decided to lay off. I didn't drink the whole thing, but I was still worried about how I would sleep.
Turns out I slept like a champ. For about 7 hours. Sweet!
And on Thursday I went running.
I think my schedule is back to normal.
Oh no . . please don't get addicted now. You can buy it in bulk as Costco though.
be really careful w/ that stuff...i'm fighting the DP right now and its a b*$&@. I can't even imagine what it would be like to try to get off that stuff.
Pepsi will always be my drink of choice. I have read some bad stuff on cola drinks lately but some really bad stuff on energy drinks. Be careful!
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