Sunday, January 23, 2011

Home for Christmas

I went to Idaho Falls for Christmas for the first time in what seems like forever. My roommate Vanie and Brad's roommate Kevin came with us. Both of them needed to see how the Carbiener's did Christmas. And they definitely did. They were there for a week. I was there for 5 days.
Vanie and Kaitlynn got along great. Kaitlynn is 6. She and Vanie left pictures on my phone for my birthday:

Speaking of my birthday, Kevin made me amazing eggs, and my parents got me cupcakes for breakfast. It was a beautiful way to wake up.
Christmas morning was awesome with Candice's kids. Kaitlynn loved her mermaid costume (from Santa), and TATE loved the letters I got him to spell his name, and Perri tried on Kaitlynn's new dress-up wig.

I also got Cole Haan boots which kind of blew my mind a little bit (I loved them, but I did NOT expect to get them). I've worn them about a million times already....

And we even tried valiantly to make snow angels in very uncooperative snow/ice

But Kaitlynn and I still had fun throwing snowballs!!

Basically, we spent our days laying around eating, laughing at Candice's kids, learning to play with them (I'm better at kitchen than Barbie's!), watching Despicable Me, and just enjoying each other. I even walked Candice's dog! Shocking, I know.
It was a wonderful vacation that left me remembering once again how lucky I am to be a part of them.


Jess said...

The picture of your niece with the wig on is hilarious. Perfect facial expression.

Anonymous said...

You look incredibly incredibly amazing in ALL of your pictures. Seriously. When did you become a SUPER glamourista? I love you super much and miss you super lots...

RC said...

It will go down as one of the greatest Christmas's ever that is for sure. We were so glad to get the basement finished so you all could have a place to sleep and even though it was butt chillin' cold it didn't snow any more (until you all left), we all seemed to enjoy it. I am glad you enjoyed it and your friends seemed to also.

Bonnie said...

I always knew three kids was not enough for me and so this Christmas was wonderful to have two extra kids! I love them!