Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jessica Comes to Play!!

Jessica came later that week for my graduation. For anyone who's forgotten, Jessica was my roommate in Boise who I went to visit in May and whose wedding ceremony I performed.
We've been planning for her to come down forever, and finally she got to.
She unfortunately also had to sit through a poster session as soon as she got off the plane, but I tried to make it up to her :-)
So we shopped and ate fancy places. Because that is my limited view of what there is to do in Phoenix. We ate Sprinkles cupcakes. We shopped at Crate & Barrel. We ate fancy healthy breakfasts at d'lish. We stood in fake snow that made us cough and worried us a little bit.
And basically, we had a blast.
And didn't take enough pictures. I want my ELPH back.


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Where is your ELPH? AND I would kill to eat at a handful of those places right now! Ohhh how I miss good food!

katilda said...

i demand to hear the story of you performing a wedding ceremony! that's all.

indeazgirl said...

katie- look at postings for Feb 2008, March 2008, and October 2008... :-)