Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The 4th of July Park City Style

So on 3 hours of sleep, we rose and shined for the Park City 4th of July parade. Now, Park City has a great culture that consists of a lot of alcohol and skiing. Even at 11am. Which means that Jonmark and I ate berries and bagels and the guy next to us was totally bummed that Jonmark's berry drink was, in fact, just berries. It also means that Olympic skiiers are doing sweet tricks on a trampoline as they roll by and is about the coolest float I've ever seen. Jonmark and I got sweet skullcandy hats that unfortunately made me look like I might have been dealing with some severe chemo effects. Bridget, on the other hand, looked like a rockstar in hers.

We also got to meet Jordy, one of Bridget's besties up there, who bought us all lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, and a stinking delicious oatmeal raisin cookie.
And, then, we took of to nap. Because while some people in the world can get by on 3 hours of sleep. I. Can't.

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