Sunday, July 14, 2013

Best Yoga Ever & Learning to Surf

Our second day, we started our day with yoga at Pranamar. If I can ever afford it, that's where I'll be staying next time. For now, I'll settle with the most amazing yoga of my life. You can't really see it (the sun is too bright), but the ocean was right in front of us. I felt so zenned out when we were done. Like I finally was able to leave life behind and just BE there. ahhh....

After lunch, we had our first surfing lesson. I didn't think I'd be nervous at all, but I totally was! My instructor's name was Esther and she is adorable. She's from Liverpool and has the absolute best accent ever. As in, "Christin, that pop-up was amaaaaaaaaazing. It's like the fastest pop-up I've ever seeeeen." I could have listened to her talk all day. Just like it was almost every day, the ocean was a little choppy due to a "swell." But I still got up pretty easily and rode one wave really good. They were such little waves all week long- I was kind of like, "Shouldn't I be riding something bigger than this?" But I tend to think I'm pretty tough, even when I don't know what I'm doing. 

The next day was Ziplining, which was just fun because so many girls were scared, but overcame it anyways. (I'm still waiting on the pictures of this.)
My friend Kris, me, and Mel (my roommate- the craziest girl ever!)

Looking closely at my face in this picture can provide hours of entertainment...
At the end of our ziplining was a waterfall jump, which was kind of the same thing. The water wasn't like "oh my gosh" amazing, but it was warm and just so fun. I met a girl named Kris who is a vet in Sedona. We became friends fast- she's just so cool. She wasn't technically with our group but was staying at the same hotel. Oh! Our hotel. It was called The Funky Monkey. It had 75 stairs going up to my room. And I loved it. It was hot. It was crazy humid. But so cool.
Bathroom- Some day I will pick a country with hot water I swear. 

Stairs to the Room 

My room!

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