Saturday, December 13, 2008

Prissy Weekend

So for those of you who know me, I'm not the MOST prissy of the girls I know. Yes, I do my hair and make-up very close to every day. Yes, I am particular about most things, and I'm neurotic about shaving my legs. But there are some very non-shall I say- beauty school girl things about me. Like the fact that I get highlights occasionally but have never truly changed my hair color. Like it took me 14 years to straighten my hair. Like I generally wear the same eyeshadow every single day. The colors I choose for this stay around for an average of 6 years. Clinique Pink Chocolates anyone?
Meet Ashley Minkalis. 

This beautiful girl has eyeshadow that truly makes me envious. Oh, I know it is superficial on so many levels. But, really, I have gone to several cosmetic counters in the mall trying to get them to imitate this woman's eyes. I just tell them to make my eyes more fun. And they just make them slightly less boring.
And then last Saturday Ashley mentioned that we needed to hang out more. And I mentioned that we should go eyeshadow shopping. We bought 4 sweet colors, and she made my eyes look AMAZING (I did have a few more to work with). She did one eye and then taught me to do the other eye to match. And everyday since has been so much fun. 
I also had my hair straight for 4 days. And got a little white t-shirt from Armani Xchange with A&X rhinestones on it. And I wore a fun new outfit to church. Basically it felt like a weekend where my priorities were totally in the wrong place. 
But that doesn't mean it wasn't fun. And it doesn't mean that doing my eyeshadow everyday this week hasn't been the highlight of my day. :)


Jessica McIntyre said...

Now you HAVE to show us a picture of your eyes!!!

MindySue said...

everyone needs a little PRETTY now and then to remind them what it means to be a woman. Have fun!