Thursday, July 02, 2009


The other day I was craving clams. Weird; I don't think I've ever made them. But there was a recipe in Women's Health for the grill and it sounded great. I ran to Fry's to look for a charcoal brick thing (it's called Ready-to-Light, and they are amazing, but I haven't seen any in this state). Anyways, they didn't have them, but I was going to go to Whole Foods anyway and get clams (I don't trust any other seafood here). 
As I got in my car, I noticed the seat felt a little weird against my backside. I wonder why!
(I ended up making the salmon I had at home!)


RC said...

I have studied this picture and cannot for the life of me figure out what it is or should be. You may need further explanation for some of us. Clams/salmon, what's up with this post?

indeazgirl said...

It's my shorts. Split wide open.