Friday, September 03, 2010

Do colors make you feel friendlier?

My roommate Vanie wears a lot of black. I mean a LOT of black. And she knows it. And jokes about it.
This is her closet:

The picture might seem a little dark, but that's just all the black.
Now, Vanie is not a depressed or "goth" individual. She actually is pretty happy, and laughs more easily than pretty much anyone I know. But, being a convert, she likes to feel like she "fits in" to this whole mormon culture thing, and wearing all black doesn't always seem to help. So on Sunday, she pulled out her only pink skirt and wore it for the first time. This is her with our other roommate Laura. From Provo. Who has no trouble fitting in to the whole mormon culture thing. (Vanie is not in stripes.)

Vanie was so impressed with herself and so excited to wear her white shoes and white purse for the first time.
But the best part was the quote that came from down the hall.
"Christin, I feel friendlier. Do colors make you feel friendlier?"
I almost died.


RC said...

yes, colors do makeyou friendlier. That is why I always wear a different color tie each Sunday. Everyone knows how stinkin' friendly I am....

Sweet Em said...

Wearing black makes me feel safe. Vanie would fit in in New England Mormon culture...there is a lot of black wearing around here. Its sophisticated. ;)

Bonnie said...

YEA!! Color on Vanie!! She is darling no matter what she wears!!

shirley elizabeth said...

She sounds adorable.

Though, if it makes her feel better, all I have is white, black, and brown.