Monday, December 06, 2010


So in the midst of everything, I went on a bike ride. My friend Meagan was at my house getting ready for Powder Puff football practice (she's also my roommate's sister). I mentioned to her that I had wanted to play, but I really couldn't make practice and life was so crazy, blah, blah, blah.
Turns out practice was right then.
Turns out I had the night off.
Turns out one girl had dropped out.
Turns out I really like playing defensive line.

I mean, how often do we girls get to ram into each other and let out our buried aggression? Huh? Never, right?

Here's some pics for your enjoyment:

(p.s. It was a mid-singles 25-35 year old event, hence, the cougars versus the gold-diggers. I didn't have any idea how uncomfortable I would feel wearing something that looked like it was from BYU. I felt like a traitor to every school I've ever gone to.)


Bonnie said...

I'm 55 and really need to let out some buried aggression!!!:) Maybe we can play football in the snow when you come home for Christmas! NOT

bradleyjohn said...

As long as Christin wears her cleats she can play. This flag football is so dangerous... (cautious advice from John as he anxiously watches the game*)

RC said...

I promise on my Texas card that I will not tell anyone my Aggie daughter wore the blue and white. Gig 'em Aggies!

Anonymous said...

Is there anymore information you can give on this subject. It answers a lot of my questions but there is still more info I need. I will drop you an email if I can find it. Never mind I will just use the contact form. Hopefully you can help me further.

- Robson