Thursday, December 09, 2010

Part of That World....

I think all of you know me enough by now to know that I do not have a particularly remarkable singing voice. That may be an understatement.
I once was told by a boy that I had a nice singing voice. Candice said he was lying because he liked me.
Emily Inglet once asked in awe how I could be so dang good at singing Alice in Chains when I was so bad at singing hymns in church.
Vanie, however, did, say I was an awesome karaoke-er.
And RockBand totally thinks I can sing.
Did I mention taking a month of voice lessons is on my list of 100 things to do in 1001 days? I thought I didn't have time. I thought I couldn't find a teacher.
This is my teacher:

Her name is Emily Williams. She teaches at the Mesa Arts Center and you get 7 private lessons for about $100. So I signed up. And on Saturdays at 1:00, I can be heard singing louder and better than I ever have before. In a room with only 2 people and a piano.
And now I know how to warm up my voice and I sing "Part of Your World" and "Angels We Have Heard on High," and it is much much better than before.
I won't be singing any solos in church. And I'm not trying to compete with my sister's awe-inspiring incredible voice.
But at least I have a glimpse into that crazy music world. And it's been really fun :-)


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

That is so awesome. I was just telling Patrice how I want to be more like you because you just do stuff. Not think about it, you actually plan it and DO it. Love it.

RC said...

I remember very distinctly riding in the truck from church with you on Sundays in Lecanto and singing hymns all the way to the bank to deposit the tithing and then home. I think you did pretty well then and still do. Not ready for Opera I agree but you sell yourself short my dear. Those duets in the truck were good times!!