Friday, December 10, 2010

Snack Pack Anyone?

Last Friday night I went on a date with a guy from my ward. It was my first formal "first date" in quite awhile, but it was awesome, and we totally had a great time.
First off, we went to sushi at a place that serves everything on a conveyor belt, so if it looks good, you grab it. They charge you by what color of plate it's on at the end. I felt like I ate so much, but it was totally delicious and very fun. (That stack of plates, by the way, is not mine. They belong to the random dude who got his arm in the picture. I ate a lot. Not quite THAT much.)
The sushi was great, but I grabbed "Today's Special" which was conchi. I have since googled this and determined that it must have been meat from a conch shell. I will tell you this: it was the worst thing I have ever ever eaten as far as I can remember. I almost could not swallow it. Consider this your warning- do not eat this stuff!!
But my favorite part of the restaurant was absolutely this:

Just in case you need a snack pack to go with your sushi, it's there for your enjoyment. I laughed every time it came around. And then I ate some cream puffs.


Tara said...

pudding? couldn't they have at least dumped it in a bowl and slapped some whipped cream on top? Sushi would be a fun/funny first date especially if neither one of you eat it a lot.

bradleyjohn said...

I'll trade you this banana for that snack pack?

RC said...

I have tried to tell you to stop eating fish bait but NO you won't listen. Conchi or worms, they both catch fish but shouldn't be eaten by humans......

katilda said...

i have a very sincere love for pudding snack packs. how classy of them! this place sounds exciting.

Anonymous said...

Tyler and I went there just the week before you did! And I loved it. The conveyor belt made me feel less afraid of picking something everyone else knows is gross because it could just look like I grabbed the wrong thing on accident...