Sunday, May 12, 2013

The House Deserves Its Own Post

This is a picture of my future house. Maybe.
In case you never knew (or forgot), for the last 6 months, I have driven about 50 miles each way to work. It's obscene, and I knew it, and I knew as soon as my lease was up, I would be moving a little closer. For awhile, I was going to buy a house in Desert Ridge, which is about 30 minutes closer. Turns out I cannot afford a home in Desert Ridge. So I called my realtor, told her to forget it, that I would just rent, that would be just fine, and booked a vacation to Costa Rica instead (I leave on Saturday.)
Realtor agreed, but I was on an automatic house search by email that I was too lazy to unsubscribe from. And late one night, when I should have been asleep, I saw this house. I loved it. The location is amazing. It's 20 minutes from one office location and 5 minutes from the other. It's less than a mile from Trader Joe's, Nordstrom Rack, and the Mall. It's way farther west than I wanted (and the west side can get trashy), BUT, it's in a very nice area of the west side, and I feel great about that.
I saw the ad on a Wednesday.
I went to look at it on Thursday.
Friday I put in an offer.
Saturday it was accepted. By the seller. But it's a short sale. I'm still waiting on the bank. Meanwhile I'm freaking out about everything one could freak out about. Like flooring and carpet and down payments that were a little unexpected.
Cross your fingers.
My lease is up on June 30th. I don't know where I'm living if it doesn't go through. Just sayin'. :-) (Probably with a co-worker for a little bit....)


Suzette Selden said...

I love that house! Super cute.

RC said...

And if she keeps talking men into helping her fix and paint everything it will be super nice. I am having a hard time getting used to my children growing up and making these adult decisions without my assistance. Guess I really am getting OLD!