Thursday, October 02, 2008

Go Back?

So I kept switching back to Ariana's blog and trying to figure out why her pictures looked so great. And then I realized that my template was all squooshed to the center of the page, allowing my pictures no room at all to spread out. So I switched mine to a wider template, but I think I can't decide if I love it or if it feels like an assault to the eyes...or just boring. who knows. Love it or hate it, let me know your opinion. It won't be hard to switch back.


Sweet Em said...

I like the layout. I think perhaps a lighter green or a pale YELOow1 or orange would be nicer color

MindySue said...

i actually really like the colors you have chosen...have no fear...your blog is gorgeous!

Jessica McIntyre said...

Umm I have to agree with Emily. Now I think it is a little hard to read your blog. Your readers are very picky aren't they.

indeazgirl said...

Back to normal we go...

Maria said...

Huh...I missed the looks like it always did!

Maria said...

P.S. And I like it!

Anonymous said...

I liked the format change, but maybe if you lightened the green background, then it would be perfect. That's what I think. :]