Monday, October 20, 2008

What Not to Wear. Oh, and The Curb.

I am going to post these pictures of what happened Friday night, but you have to go to Ariana's blog because SHE was the star of this show. I just need to publicly thank her for having such a keen eye and seeing on the MACY's ad who was coming to Scottsdale. And What Not to Wear affects my life again. (Oh, and, as a side note, my road rash is healing just fine, despite being constantly barraged by hospital bacterial infestations. I think I'll get my bike checked out tomorrow.) The eating out occurred after the show. This picture, I think, captures a little of John's LA-ness and a lot of Ariana's perma-grin that didn't stop ALL night long. :o)

This is the very tiny curb I tried to ride over. Again,
 this does not work.


RC said...

You don't RIDE over curbs you JUMP them! Try this, ride up to the curb, grasp the handle bars tightly, lift the bars and spring your legs all at once and WHAMMO! your over the curb. Failure to do these things and WHAMMO! you're on your face.....oh, you already know that part.

I commented on Ari's blog about the "your clothes suck" show.

I had to delete the first comment because I misspelled a word (I knew it would drive you nuts) and haven't figured out how to go back in and edit them. You could help me here.

Anonymous said...

My face hurt so bad by the end of the night from smiling so much.

And... If you visit my blog, you should leave me a comment! :]

RC said...

Oh little one, I did before I wrote this one......

breymom said...

I watch that show and it's so funny! I always think what would they say to me?! Amazing she got to go back with Clinton!