Case in point: In early 1999, I decided I had gained a lot of weight and was going to do Marilou Henner's 30 Day Total Health Makeover.
This lovely torturefest includes: No sugar, no dairy, no meat, and no alcohol. The last one wasn't so bad, but the first two almost killed me. I did, from this endeavor, try a lot of new foods for the first time (and plenty for the last time), but it also had an unintended side effect.
You see, a girl in my ward is tiny and vibrant and 19 and hasn't had sugar in like 2 years and loves it.
My mother says sugar is poison and she feels so much better without it.
I turn into a mean little girl who hates the world.
Day 21 of this Total Health Makeover happened to be Easter.
I ate an entire bag of those little Reese's Pieces eggs and then proceeded to puke my guts out from all the sugar.
And I did not makeover my life for the next 7 days.
I have since learned the pleasures of balancing my diet (most days). I still go for the fastest food possible when I am convinced I am starving. Brad has even gone to screaming, "I'll make you a sandwich! I'll make you a sandwich!!" to keep me from living on string cheese, cashews, and whole wheat fig newtons. Or any chocolate we have lying around.
John says I keep the most random food scorecard he has ever heard of. For example, one day Lunch was 2 Rice Krispie Treats from Starbucks (which are, by the way, incredible) and then I met my fellow students for dinner, where I just ordered Deviled Eggs & Ham. Everyone kind of laughed, but to me it made perfect sense. A pure carb lunch calls for a pure protein dinner. (Oh, and I had an apple for my fruit in between. )
Lately, I've restarted my version of the Abs Diet, which, again, I love. It makes me eat real food much more often than the nearest, fastest sugar. But I have a funny habit of eating food in my dreams whenever I'm hungry, which sometimes happens after work.
Last night my dreamland self stirred chocolate chips into her Belly Busting Smoothie.
I guess I really am half-elf.
When your mother goes on one of these diets I immediately get way hungrier and eat everything in sight. That way, whether she loses her desired weight goal or not, she seems thinner because I get heavier! I would have dreamed of brisket or ribs myself. Seems way more enticing than chocolate.
What your "your version of the Ab Diet"? Do you not follow the book?
I mostly follow the book. Except I made creme brulee on New Years Eve and had another one of them the next day. And participated in the Mexican potluck at work. AND...I'm using my crock-pot now once a week so I'm substituting one or two dinners for that. I'm trying to make it extremely liveable, but I probably am eating 70% of the stuff it says. ;-)
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