Sunday, May 12, 2013

February 2013- My dishwasher and rejection.

In February, I saw Ariana (and in January), which was so nice- it had been so long. And I loved that she had one evening that she escaped just to my house and I had her all to myself. And I got to snuggle her baby, who doesn't even like to snuggle that much :-)
I also got Redbook for free in the mail, which made me feel old when I liked all the clothes and could relate to all the articles. 
I got on ehow and figured out how to dismantle my dishwasher. Which is where I found this:
This is when I lost all respect for maintenance guys. I had called them 2 or 3 times to come look at this dishwasher. FAIL. Gross. 
I happier news, I also bought these pillows to go with my red 10 year old couches. Nobody really likes them but me. 
And I also food planned and made some cool recipes. This happens every month, though, you know me. 
I went out on two fun dates with a guy named Matt who was cute and seemed cool. Kind of a crazy family, not really a match, but fun anyways. I met him on a day where I was losing hope in meeting anyone, so it felt like such a blessing. (We had kind of known each other before.) Anyways, we went out twice. I felt like I was kind of pushing things- not normal really for me- I went to his house, saw Goonies for the first time, stayed til 3am, kissed good-night. And, yeah, haven't heard from him again. That was super super weird for me and totally threw off my game. punk. Still don't know what happened there, but the idea of being rejected definitely hurt worse than that just not working out. Because I knew enough to know it wasn't going to. Weird. weird. weird. 
So that's over.... :-)

1 comment:

Jess said...

That photo scares me to think what the inside of my dishwasher looks like . . . .