Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's a Britney Day

So you know when Britney walked into the salon and buzzed her hair all off? What was not surprising to me about this episode was that she felt like doing it, but the fact that she actually went through with it. Knowing that it would be splashed over every newspaper in the country and likely affect her career and her chance at custody, she still went through with it.
There are days when I feel like just saying screw everything and taking clippers to my head. Except that I wouldn't really know what to do with myself when I was done. And I'm not Demi Moore or Natalie Portman. I wouldn't look good bald. I'd show up for work, and everyone would get freaked out. I'd go to church, and the everyone would be like, "Um, what happened to you?" And my family would probably commit me somewhere.
So, friends, I'm not shaving my head today.
I'm just very very moody. And I'm going to go to the gym. And hope that does something.


Katie said...

I feel you girl...I have had many a day where I feel like just going nuts and shaving my hair off! I'm with you though, it would be much worse after I was done and I would be committed somewhere.

Sweet Em said...

Dye your hair. Its equally exhilarating and you'll get compliments, not weird looks.

Anonymous said...

Whenever things get really bad I put the kids down for a nap, eat something bad for me, and watch girlmore girls. Going to the gym is way more productive! Even on your bad days you've got to one up me!! Maybe you could keep a "Save Brittney" t shirt in your closet so you can just slip it on and feel crazy.

Camille Elise said...

I'm so there with you! Usually I combat the moody feelings with a good run, nap, or bar of chocolate. I usually don't handle them well either. Ya, don't shave your head...your hair is beautiful!