Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1+1 makes life so much easier

Brad got here on monday. Man, I love that kid. We make dinner together, and it's so much fun. And when I say, "Brad, do you think you could cook me dinner on the nights that I work so that I can have time to work out?" he says, "Sure." And I love it. And we watch The Office together because he has all 3 seasons. We actually skipped season 1, and have already watched season 2 and half of season 3. Jess, Nate makes some cute expressions like Jim. It is a funny show. Never even really knew anything about it. Anyways, my adventures might not be as crazy because Brad runs some of my errands while I work (like buy milk) which are the little things that make life more stressful. But we might go on a church campout this weekend, which may prove exciting.
My job is good. I'm off orientation now and have worked 5 shifts on my own. I usually have 5 patients at night, and, yes, it is stressful. But I'm getting better. And it's been good.
Love y'all!


Jessica McIntyre said...

We love that show. Nate got me hooked last year. I have said the same thing about Nate and Jim. I think Nate is kinda proud he is like Jim :-) I e-mail him that posting. I am sure he will love it

indeazgirl said...

I thought he might like it :o)