Monday, October 29, 2007


This is a perfect example of why you should not iron your scrubs in a sports bra and shorts. I did this on Friday...


Sweet Em said...

It looks like you don't have a belly button.

Sweet Em said...

Oh - I better add that you have a nice stomach. A very "post on the internet" like stomach.

indeazgirl said...

Wouldn't it be weird if I didn't have a belly button and I just never told anybody?? hmmm...
I never thought I would voluntarily put my naked stomach on the internet. Nor did I think about it when I did it. (I think that's how most naked stomachs end up on the internet.) But I did think enough to suck in when I took the picture. If it was really really flat I probably wouldn't have accidentally ironed it. :o)

Anonymous said...

NEVER cook bacon naked, and now don't iron in a sports bra.....

Jessica McIntyre said...

I have also learned my lesson to not curl/flat iron your hair when you aren't fully dressed. Bad Idea!!