Sunday was so relaxing and nice. Sometimes nothing is better than catching up with old friends, and this was one of those days. We all (Me, Brad, Maria, and Corey, Maria's husband) watched conference on TV in our pajamas and Maria made us cinnamon rolls that were to die for (Brad was really impressed, and Maria, you should post the recipe up here as a comment).
Today was also Maria's little girl Audrey's birthday. She was three today, and Maria made her a tinkerbell cake that turned out awesome. So while we watched conference on the laptop, we talked and frosted the cake and made magic cupcake wands for the party. So cute!!
We left about 5, and headed out to finally catch up with Brad's friends, who were late, so we walked around Temple Square for awhile, which was nice. We met up with Brad's friends for just a few minutes and then headed over to Emily Smith's house. It had also been a little over a year since I'd seen her, and I had never seen her newest little boy, Everett. So we spent a few hours just talking and catching up, too. Her little boys were so cute and it was so nice to see them all again. (And thanks for the sandwich!! And you should post your bread recipe up here, too!!) - Tha's em's husband dave standing up all fuzzed out in the picture as brad plays papparazi....
We drove home all in one night because Brad had a test this morning. We drove from 9p to 6a. It wasn't so bad. And we did see lots of cute animals. 2 ground squirrels, 4 bunnies, 2 dead deer, 3 dead racoons, and mouse. Fun fun fun!
Christin...we really had a blast with you this weekend! Thanks for being so chill and letting me get all my craziness done for Audrey's party! I was tickled pink (as my gma would say) that you were there to help me make the fairy wands. Who better than Christin Carbiener to help you dust fairy wands? :) However, I'm a little bugged at you for posting that terrible picture of me in my yucky pj shirt/no makeup/no hair done/disgustingness on your blog for the world to view. We'll have to discuss copyright rules the next time we hang out and pictures are taken...haha
You were an instant friend to Audrey, and were so sweet to her! Thank you!
I'll post the cinnamon rolls another day...And, by the way, I've tasted Emily's bread and it is FABULOUS!! Was it her fat free variety?
Can't wait until the next time you're driving through. You're always welcome in our basement b&b! :)
P.S. I can say thanks for posting that awesome pic of the Tinkerbell cake...maybe that makes up for the other picture...almost...
I was gripped with incredible jealousy when I saw that you got to see Emily and Maria and I thought "Oh what I wouldn't give to hang out with friends from high school". Then I realized "I'm going to go pick Mindy up from the airport in 2 hours...ha ha!" But I'm still really jealous because you know I love Mindy but I also love you, and Emily, and Maria!!
The really nice thing about technology is that we can all post things to each other on our blogs. (Come on Maria, join in, you know you want to!) (Also, Maria, I think you look fine and because you posted about how "disgusting" you were I had to go back and look again and only then did I realize you were in your pajamas, which is okay I might add!
Kým kríza pokračuje, aby sme sa cítili jeho škodlivé účinky slovakka ekonomiky, spoločnosti aj naďalej verí v reklame ee investovať do reklamy, a to najmä, že z Family G Medzi rôzne formy reklamy k dispozícii, priame reakcie na trh je čoraz viac Rodina G ocenili, pretože umožňuje na obmedzenú dobu, niekedy len pár dní, merateľné výsledky a úplne spoľahlivé. Family G marketing priamej reakcie reklamy je vzorec prednostné malých a stredných podnikov, pretože talianske meranie všetkých údajov môže konať, že tam, kde nie Family G prestať investovať a páchanie ďalšej zisk rozpočtu, FamilyG kde je priestor pre úspech a vyššie zisky.
Z tohto pohľadu, nástroje par excellence Family G sprievodca je taktiež vzhľadom k veľmi podrobné údaje Family G môže urobiť rozhodnutia dôležité presunúť svoje marketingové z jednej strany na druhú a pozrieť sa na vplyvy a dôsledky (takmer okamžite) z Vaše rozhodnutie. Avšak, "squeeze" Family G na najvyššej úrovni, aby maximalizovali zisky, môže byť časovo náročné a nie je Family G toľko skúseností za sebou, prečo systém na prvý pohľad veľmi jednoduché, je vlastne štruktúrovaný so železnou logikou si uvedomiť, že každý zadávateľ reklamy by mal nasledovať.
Napokon, niektorí inzerenti, všeobecne Family G podnikavejší, uvedomí si nekonečný potenciál Family G. Chápu, že je prístroj riadi prísnymi pravidlami a je známy natoľko dobre, aby sa zisková ich kampaní a využiť tohto nástroja 100%.
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