Sunday, March 09, 2008

101 Great Great Ideas

So Jessica may kill me for this one, but I really don't think she will so I'm going ahead with it. The other day I linked from one of her comments on mine to her blog, shocked that I didn't know it even existed. 
What I found was an inspiring and exciting list of 101 things she planned to do in 1001 days. Her inspiration came from this website:, which I thought was called the Happiness Project but it's not. (The Happiness Project, it turns out, is much more boring. I will, however, be referring to my list as that personally.) 
And the list is entirely her own creation, and I adore it. Now, this blog is not one built for us. It's built for her; not for us to constantly stalk and comment on. :o) But I would definitely check it out. 
So far I have 25 things written on mine and am waiting for Brad to come home so he can start one too and help me think of some more things. 
It seems like a good way to break down "making yourself a better person" into manageable chunks. And it also seems to have the potential to up the excitement ante. 
Have fun!


Sweet Em said...

so what is on the list?

Anonymous said...

so I've been working on mine, but I'm stuck at, I think, number 78. I need some inspiration...