Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Update on the List Thing

There's a couple reasons why I'm not posting my list.
First, I'm stuck on #67. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
And second, it's a little less stressful and more exciting for me if it's a personal thing, even though I will list some of my favorites as I do them. (And I'd still love if y'all would like to post yours!!)
And I'll list 5 of my favorites right now, even, though, really, that's hard to choose. (Lots of us started a list while we were camping. Ariana is at 90 now. I have crossed off three, so now I have to backdate it, as getting my fishing license was on there.) And, p.s, Jessica has updated hers and it's coming along splendidly.
5 Favorites:
See the Grand Canyon
Go Skinny Dipping
Kiss a Stranger (stolen, so I'll do 6)
Finish "The Audacity of Hope"
Eat at 5 new restaurants in Phoenix
Hike Phoenix's Camelback


Jeffrey Benson said...

You've got some good ones... If you need to know where the restaurants are around here, just ask, I know the best of 'em.

indeazgirl said...

oh yay!!! I will ask you! And if you're ever in Boise, ask me!