Monday, March 17, 2008

I LOVE CAMPING- Getting There

So, for a little more detailed history on this camping trip from a less self-centered perspective, you can head over to Ariana's blog. As it is, I'm just going to tell about the days that I was there, the horror of getting there, and really, the loveliness of the whole thing. 
So this last week I worked Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights and then left on Thursday afternoon to head down to Patagonia Lake, a quaint little area about 10 miles from the border. Yep. That's right. The Mexican border. Close enough to Mexico that about an hour before you get there all the signs are in kilometers, which kind of pissed me off. I think us U.S. citizens should be able to read our own freakin' street signs as long as we are in our own country. But whatever. 
So all during my Thursday morning sleep, I keep getting text messages from Brad.
"Could you bring more wood and ice?"
"Ariana needs some lotion."
"And pillows."
"And could you bring a book if you haven't left yet?"
I finally wrote him back, "And a massage therapist, a hammock, and some bon bons?"
He responded, "Yes. Bonbons. Good idea. I didn't even think of that!" :o)
I ended up leaving about 5, which was about 2 hours later than planned, but was okay. I had my little map from googlemaps and headed down the 19 south to Nogales. Brad had texted me to take the 83 to the 82, but I didn't see any signs for that so I just headed down my way. Ariana and Brad called to check on me, and Ariana said everybody gets lost on the 19. I just said I'd be really careful and follow the map exactly. So after about 5 minutes of driving through a crazy rural hilly neighborhood with unlit street signs, I find Pendleton road from my map and turn right. As I go to follow it around, I run into a big white gate that says "Park Closed." Hmm...this was a bad sign, as I still had about 20 more miles to go before my arrival. So I backtracked to a Truck stop and told one of the very friendly Mexicans there my dilemma. I told him about Pendleton road, to which he politely replied, "You ain't goin' nowhere on that road, homes." Sweet. So he gave me directions taking the "scenic route." And I only had to stop for directions one more time, at which time, I was told "there's a little trick to it." Whatever!!! So I finally finished this 3 hour trip in 5 sweet hours. And got there at 10 o'clock and then couldn't find Brad-o for about 15 minutes and almost went crazy. But, I was there. I was camping. And life was good. 
Keeping me sane during this trip was 92.9 The Mountain, a Tucson radio station that made it all almost worth it. From 8pm-11pm, they play Acoustic Sunset, so during all my being lost adventures, I was blessed to hear from the likes of Ziggie Marley, Ryan Adams, Dave Matthews Band, Imogene Heap, and felt a little like I was in heaven. Listening to this station (almost) all the way home, I only changed the station once, which never ever happens in my world. 
You can listen to it here:

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