Thursday, March 06, 2008

7 Days of Running

So last week I decided to run 3 miles around the lake for seven days straight. Now, I've run before, but never that consistently that far. And I was in a really good mood. This is the run-down of how it all went down.
Day 1- Feeling higher than air, I start runnng. Decide to include "A" mountain in the run. Walk the whole thing. Walk at least a quarter of the 3 miles. Get home. Brad says I look like I'm going to die of heat exhaustion. Consider than running may have ruined my good mood instead of enhancing it. 
Day 2- About halfway through get painful uterine-type cramp. Puke. About 5 times. Sit down for 5 minutes until it goes away. Run the rest with no problems, actually. Be grateful body forgets pain so quickly. 
Day 3- Learn to listen to my body a little more. Slow down and walk a bit just before the P.O.P (Point of Puke). Finish the run with no problems. 
Day 4- Absolutely do not feel like doing this today; consider lifting weights instead, but remember my goal and head out. Body is finally getting used to this. Run entire thing no problems. Don't feel like I'm going to die. Just feel really really good. 
Next Day- Is Fast Sunday. Decide running without eating or drinking is a bad bad idea. Running after eating salmon for dinner- also a bad idea. Don't run.
Day 5- They are painting my building and taped up my car while I was asleep. ipod is inside. Run 3 miles for the first time without music, surprisingly successfully. Feel great. Consider becoming one of those people who run 3 miles every morning. Like it's casual.
Day 6- Gorgeous Day. 3 Sailboats and rowers on the lake. Run is again pretty good; time myself. 28 minutes. Wonder how long it will be before I run 6 miles a day. Check myself into a mental hospital. Just kidding. But really....
Next Day- I oversleep and do a circuit workout in my living room before work. 
Day 7- My legs kind of hurt today. It's a little harder than I really expected. The breeze is blowing so I chalk it up to wind resistance and keep going. AND FINISH!! 21 miles in 9 days. :o)!!


Anonymous said...

I am SO PROUD of you! This gets me so excited... And wishing I could go running with you again. :[ Soon I hope and it will be glorious! Way to be. Running is where it's at.

Katie said...

i am impressed! amazing! oh, and i must have pierced my belly button my sophomore year, because you for sure would have been with me otherwise... i did it at a tattoo parlor with a friend from high school, rebekah (not my finest hour and i took it out shortly thereafter!) one of those bored at 2am things...

Sweet Em said...

You are awesome. Particularly the running without music part...I can't go more than a mile if that happens to me. So...are you going to be a 3 miles every morning person.

It takes me 40 minutes to run a little more than 3 miles.