Thursday, July 31, 2008

And When I Got Home, I Was Feeling Brave...

And Ariana will never say she feels bored again. I finally "turned" the compost. By dumping it in another garbage can. Oh my gosh it was so stinkin' gross. Stinkin' & Gross. Now, mind you, it pretty much worked. There is a lot of rich stuff in there. Kind of looking like potting soil. I've dumped a whole lot of vegetables in there and there is pretty much very little sign of anything. A recent apple and a kiwi and some newspaper. But most of the entire watermelon from 2 weeks ago is already gone. It smelled, however, FOUL. Triggered Ariana'a gag reflex pretty good (mine is pretty much non-existent due to my current occupation). Apparently Ariana's family does this and it's not supposed to ooze so much. We're wondering if it got moldy or something else bad. Guess where the bin went? Into the dumpster!! Not that I'm giving up completely. We've hypothesized that we can maybe blame the plastic. So maybe I'll head to ACE and get a fun metal garbage can (and when I say "maybe," I will). We did, however, fertilize the tree outside after removing the still-recognizable pieces. I really thought I had no fear until today. This was pretty scary. There were a lot of unidentifiable bugs in that mess.


Sweet Em said...

Hum - Thanks for the update...wondering if I should try...wondering if Aaron would help me turn it...Hum

Anonymous said...

Can you say odoriffic? That stuff didn't just smell. It REEKED.

Oh well, if you don't succeed, try, try again! (with a completely metal garbage can, no plastic liners...)

Ashley said...

can we please hangout this week?! I MISS YOU!

Camille Elise said...

Wow! At least your willing to try...and try again! The smell would have scared me away the moment I smelt it.

breymom said...

Nice idea maybe I'll give it a try next time I have a garden!

LaQuejadora said...

you are SO brave.