Tuesday, July 01, 2008

US Government Property


So Josh came in on Saturday night for our last hoo-rah before he ships off to the army on July 17th. Sunday he went to church with me for the second time, which is always a really hard thing for him and is always really fun for me. (He's a really active Christian; just super cyncial when it comes to the Mormon thing; hence, our awesomely weird relationship.) He looks so cute all white shirt and tie-d up. :o) And the bishop even gave him a blessing- mostly to help me feel better about him going away.
I also introduced him to How I Met Your Mother, which he agreed rocks, and we made hamburgers.
Monday was super-fun day. We went to the Air Force Flight Museum in Mesa. This was something Josh and I really wanted to do. He LOVES old planes and knows so much about them. So we show up all excited (after eating at In & Out Burger, another bonus) and the place is CLOSED on Mondays and Tuesdays during the summer. We were so bummed so we just walked around trying to find an open door. And we found one. We met Bob (I think), a mechanic who was working on a B-52 to restore it to flight status. I basically just told them my best friend was leaving for the army and if he had a minute could we just see a few little things...The guy was so cool. He's in one of the pictures. He loved talking about his job and all the stuff they did. We were there for 2 hours. We got the whole museum to ourselves (for free) and our own special tour guide.
Then, we went to Melting Pot. It was so fun. Bridget had a $50 gift certficate that expired that day and she gave it to us (THANK YOU!). So we rocked Melting Pot. We had Spinach and Artichoke Cheese Dip, He had Raspberry Salad; I had tropical mango salad with coconut cashews, and then we had all kinds of meat, including lobster tail. And for dessert, we had peanut butter chocolate dip with so many yum things to dip in it including, wait for it....RICE KRISPIE TREATS. oh yum. That was the best. Sadly, we couldn't finish all of them because we were stuffed.
While at Melting Pot, they were playing awesome 1940's-type music and we thought it would be fun if we could go dancing somewhere to music like that (oh, and I wore a fun sundress and Josh wore his pale yellow shirt I love and we looked cute). We asked our server and she suggested Kazimiers (You say it like cashmere's but the 'z' instead of the 'sh.') So, of course, we went.
This is their website: http://www.kazbar.net/
It's totally not marked and is so dimly lit, but so fancy feeling. Just fantastic. And the band was AMAZING. Here's a tiny little clip of the performer. She is even better than she sounds on this. Josh requested a song, and she just went with it, even though she had never performed it before. The Band was AWESOME. so so cool. Josh used to play sax in jazz band in high school, and he was in heaven.
Today we just hung out and went swimming. I sang the Top Gun theme song to him all day (He's technically not in the Air Force, but flying helicopters in the army is close enough for me.) I just got back from taking him to the airport. I believe two important things about airports:
1) You can bawl your eyes out at the airport if you feel like it without regards to make-up or the fact that you are actually in public.
2) Rules of Public Displays of Affection should be greatly relaxed in the airport. (Public Decency and children considered, of course.)
Suffice it to say, my actions reflected my beliefs. What was I supposed to do?!
Love that Soldja Boy.


RC said...

Mom and I looked at this entry and both agreed it is a good one. Technically however, Top Gun is about NAVY guys not Air Force. Naval aviators fly off of carriers, and fly boy air force pukes land on the ground. Just so you know sweetie. Navy rocks Air Force sucks. Army, well, I don't want to make you feel bad......

It was cool listening to your story about the museum and how you can get people to do the most improbable things. You are amazing, child. Guess you take after the ol' man?????? Ok, so you are your own girl.

Too bad we can't get Josh to listen to the JS story. If he could do so with an open mind it might help. I struggled with it for some time so I sort of understand. Humbling oneself is the hard part. Oh well, maybe someday.

Love you kiddo. Dad

Maria said...

I love this post! It sounds like the perfect visit. The music rocked, and kudos on using your breaking and entering skills to score a private tour of the museum! If nothing else, Josh sounds like an FFL (friend for life). :) Gotta love that!

Camille Elise said...

YEAH! tHIS sounded like totally an awesome 2-3 days...not sure of the time frame. um, anywho...lucky that you got a special tour guide and free tour! AND-melting pot....YUM!!!!

breymom said...

I believe our parents went to see Top Gun together when it first came out so, THEY ought to know LOL I personally LOVED your musical element and the cool tile pics. We have a "melting pot" in Boise, so when we're not broke from buying diapers and car seats I plan to go....that's the second lobster you've had this month right? I'm so jealous. Glad you had so much FUN with Josh though!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you and Josh had such a good time! It was so good to see him. :]

Jessica McIntyre said...

Look at my internet savvy friend. My hubby would be so proud. I think you have passed me up Miss Christin. I am so happy you got to see Josh and it looks like you had a fabulous time. I am sure he was happy to see his old car too!! I love the mosaic. I am so happy I found out how to do that. I was always so jealous when I would see them on other peoples blogs and think they were just so smart but now we are the smart chics.

LaQuejadora said...

hon...i'm sorry. the time w/ josh sounded fun...the ending kinda sucked. so...question. did anyone have to cover their childrens eyes at the airport. or did they just fan themselves and watch?