Saturday, November 22, 2008

And Then There Was One....

Now my little Bel Air is all by its self. Just a month ago, we had Brad's ghetto Toyota Camry, my Altima, the Cadillac, and the Bel Air. The Camry is getting fixed. Candice and Adam have the Altima. Oh, and the Cadillac, you ask. Where is the Cadillac? Well, now it's been towed by All-state towing.
I wrecked the Cadillac tonight. Less than a mile from home. A white Altima turned in front of me, I slammed on the brakes, and plowed right in. Thank goodness there wasn't a passenger.
The airbags exploded and scraped up my arms pretty bad. But luckily that was all. I did find out from the paramedics that my normally 106/68 blood pressure goes up to 141/93 under pressure. Even though, if you know our family well enough, this is not exactly my first rodeo. (This makes exactly 5 accidents where the police have been called to the scene. For me alone.)
Anyways, here's a few pictures of the cars, my wounds (didn't I just heal up my arms?!), and my artwork on the accident report.
Just another memorable blog entry. Thank goodness.


Katie said...

I'm so glad you are ok... that is so scary!

Maria said...

I'm also glad you're ok! Did Brad tell you that I called last night to chat? You were out grocery shopping (you crazy, silly lady!)

I hope you're not sore today!

Sweet Em said...

Yikes! I'm glad you are okay. The Bel Air better watch its back.

RC said...

Only my kids would keep track of how many accidents that they have been in. I have been driving for over 40 years and have been in two. I think it is about time for drivers ed for all of them. Glad to know you weren't hurt but PLEASE be more careful. You kids give our hearts a terrible work out.

RC said...

Mom said that you should not be allowed to drive anymore and be put on a bike. Then she remembered you sustained more injuries on the bike than you did in the car accident. Keep driving but be careful.

indeazgirl said...

Dad. Once again. This wreck. Not my fault. Unavoidable. Even if it were possible for me to be more careful, I would still have smashed into that car.
2 have been my fault. 3 not. I'm still winning that battle.

MindySue said...

wow! freaky! i'm glad you are okay. it looked like a really nice car. i'm sorry. but it sounds/looks like it was the other guys fault (i scrutinized the accident report...but must make fun of the little car drawing). was it? and can i say SUPER OUCH on your arms. that looks like it stings.

MindySue said...

i just read your comments. SOO glad its not your fault. new car for you!

Suzette Selden said...

I'm glad you are okay. Car accidents suck!