Monday, November 24, 2008

Six Quirks

Ashley McGavin tagged me for this, and it's taken me forever to come up with them!! Not that I'm not quirky for sure, just that pinpointing them is difficult. So here's a few. Feel free to add your own :o)
  • I have an amazingly crappy sense of direction. And yet I moved to Phoenix without a map. I always manage to make it, but I'm glad gas was cheap when I moved here because I drove for hours and hours that were completely unnecessary. I think I've seen the entire Valley because of this. I have however, learned N, S, E, and W since moving here. This will not apply in any other city. I did great along the Pacific Coast Highway. Because I knew the ocean was on the West and I could usually see it. :o)
  • Along the same vein, I have no idea where most countries are. For awhile I subscribed to The Week, which gave the world news along with a map and arrows to the applicable country. This was genius, in my opinion. I thought Massachusetts was west of New York and as big as Pennsylvania until after I booked my trip there. I always think Colorado is one state West (or maybe south?), which throws off my brain to every state surrounding it. I bought a kids' US puzzle 3 months ago to try to remedy this situation. I can spell United Arab Emirates, where Dubai is, but even though we looked it up 3 days ago, I probably couldn't pinpoint it again. 
  • Speaking of spelling, I'm a little neurotic about it. Phone calls from family members in the middle of the day to ask how to spell a word are par for the course. I routinely tell store employees when their manager has posted a sign with a misspelled word. And proofreading is one of my very favorite pastimes. 
  • Speaking of magazine subscriptions, I've had a few in my life. Jessica and I at one point had 13 between us. Which ones, you ask? Here we go: The Week, The Ensign, Real Simple, Glamour, People, Outside, Fitness, Women's Health, SELF, Oprah...ok, I don't remember the rest. It was a little crazy. I still get 5 of those. And getting Glamour is still usually the highlight of the month. 
  • Wounds. Ok, I'm a nurse, which we all know. And I am fascinated by bodies. I could study faces for hours, and I love how bodies work (or don't). Nothing really doesn't fascinate me about them, at least on some minor level. This applies to all things infected and oozy as well. Leaving my band-aids on from this car accident has been excruciating. I went through 5 "adhesive pads" in 2 days because I kept pulling them off to see how the healing process was coming along. I had to leave the same one on all yesterday because it was Sunday and it was the last one. Ahh!! One of my favorite parts of my job is changing dressings on wounds and, well, I'll save you the details. Suffice it to say, I think it's way cool. 
  • On the other end of the spectrum, I love expensive, trendy, and unique hotels. Nothing is more of a buzzkill for me than (for example Dad) staying at a Motel 6 in Los Angeles. Hello!! I need to experience the feel of the city. I already love my bed at home, I might as well love the one I'm borrowing for a night or two. I love turquoise velvet pillows and the thought that I'm staying on Italian linens. The $100 more I no doubt spend for this experience is completely worth it to me every time. I'll eat peanut butter and jelly in my room for lunch, just let me stay someplace fun. But don't get me started on restaurants for dinner.... :o)
  • Oh, and bonus quirk, sometimes I laugh so loud I scare myself.
I tag Jessica, Emily Udy, Camille, Travis, and Ashley Minkalis.


Suzette Selden said...

I love those quirks about you. Funny enough, I have a few of the same, I think they may arise from us being PACE kids. I think they thought we knew basic stuff and skipped to complicated studies. So things most kids learned we never got (i.e. where the states are).

RC said...

PACE kids or Space Kids, you two are definately two of a kind. Quirks are one thing and wasting money is another. Motel 6 for $30 a night sure trumps a $150.00 room for the one night (unless of course someone else, like your dad who was duped into paying for it, pays for it. I wonder if you would have that quirk if YOU had to pay for it????? I think your mom and siblings all gang up on me and love to drain the wallet at my expense (literally)!!!!

indeazgirl said...


Jeffrey Benson said...

I love spell checking as well, and editing in general. It's my dream job, being an editor. Unfortunately, I don't edit myself whilst writing or speaking...It's a problem.

Camille Elise said...

Yeah...I got tagged!!!! I'll work on posting being the holiday and no work/school and all...I should have time. :)