Monday, October 05, 2009

Out of Order

I almost forgot to post this, which would have been a travesty.
So ever since I've moved to Arizona, I've had a little bit of a social complex. I really love people, and I feel very friendly, but at a lot of parties I've gone to, I haven't really felt like I was so so happy to be there. They usually just don't feel that friendly and it all feels unfortunately very forced.
But last week, Laura Heaton turned 25, and I went to her birthday party. It was a blast. We had virgin margaritas and took pictures with the plastic Mexican guys on the wall. I met a future podiatrist, a guy with a great aura who was just fun to talk to, and just had a blast talking to every single person I met. It was just a great feeling party, and I was so happy to meet so many fun new friendly people. Go fun AZ parties!!
(Thanks Vanie for making it so cool!)


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

Aura uh?

Innntteerreessttiinnng..... he he

RC said...

I hope that your brother knows these young ladies and has at least asked them out on a date. Remember the brethern said "hanging out is NOT dating". :O)