So ever since I've moved to Arizona, I've had a little bit of a social complex. I really love people, and I feel very friendly, but at a lot of parties I've gone to, I haven't really felt like I was so so happy to be there. They usually just don't feel that friendly and it all feels unfortunately very forced.
But last week, Laura Heaton turned 25, and I went to her birthday party. It was a blast. We had virgin margaritas and took pictures with the plastic Mexican guys on the wall. I met a future podiatrist, a guy with a great aura who was just fun to talk to, and just had a blast talking to every single person I met. It was just a great feeling party, and I was so happy to meet so many fun new friendly people. Go fun AZ parties!!
(Thanks Vanie for making it so cool!)
Aura uh?
Innntteerreessttiinnng..... he he
I hope that your brother knows these young ladies and has at least asked them out on a date. Remember the brethern said "hanging out is NOT dating". :O)
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