Tuesday, October 23, 2007


There's a girl named Jesse in our ward who is about my age, and she's obsessed with Halloween. It's her totally favorite holiday, and she has events at her house all during October to celebrate. Last year, she was a piƱata for halloween, and people hit her (softly) with a bat and she tossed candy up in the air. hahahaha
After the dinner party, we carved pumpkins at her house. Mine had a cactus, a coyote, and a pumpkin. Brad is going to her "camp in" on Friday. And he's making me a jalloween shirt.
Her blog is jalloween.blogspot.com.
Good times.


Anonymous said...

what the heck is a "jalloween shirt"? Sounds like this woman is a titch on the looney side.

Jessica McIntyre said...

I love the Pinata idea. yes, what is a jalloween shirt?

indeazgirl said...

Jesse made up iron-ons that say Jalloween to celebrate all the activities at her house.