Sunday, December 02, 2007

Do Something Nice...

So I don't put too my church stuff on here generally speaking. But today the 97 year-old President of the church said in a Christmas devotional, "Maybe 'Merry Christmas' is the wrong thing to say. Maybe we should say, "It's Christmastime. Is there anything I can do to help you?...Are your burdens too heavy?" I loved it, and it seemed very much in the true spirit of Christmas.


Maria said...

Love this!

Sweet Em said...

Christin - Thank you for posting this. I heard this, but unfortunately it didn't strike me as such a profound message until you pointed it out

Anonymous said...

I will try to remember this statement when I am doing tithing settlement this year. I could have used it last night. Instead I stumbled through some of my own words but think I accomplished the same thing. Bishop Ron

Maria said...

SWEET! I FINALLY got a comment on a blog before sweet em did. I swear she's always there before I must be a professional blog-stalker, Emily! :)

Sweet Em said...

Anonymous - You're a BISHOP!? Woozers!

Anonymous said...

Stranger things have happened.....
Dad, bishop and all around good guy!

Bertie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog:) It's always nice to have new people pop in! Your comments were very sweet. I also love this quote and will think of it more often this Christmas season:)